Here are all the Christmas pics in one place:
Decorating the Tree - Here is our beautiful tree. Gabriel had so much fun decorating and helping this year. He was really into it.
Advent Calendar - More pics of Gabe opening the daily boxes for his Advent calendar.
Visiting Santa - We saw Santa one evening at Phillips Park. Gabriel walked right up and told Santa what he wanted. He didn't want to sit on his lap, just stood by him. He told him he wanted a Star Wars space ship. Soon after, he decided he wanted Wall-E the movie instead and was very upset that he hadn't told Santa that...but it's ok, he still got Wall-E.
Head Start party - Gabe's school/daycare has a party for all the families at HeadStart. I finally got to take pictures of Gabe with each of his teachers, Deanna, Teresa and Ymelda. p.s. Gabe took most of these pictures!
Baking Cookies - We made sugar cookies this year for the first time. Gabe really enjoyed it! We also had his friend Damian over to play and made more cookies.
Christmas Eve - Traditional mexican dinner of tamales, rice and beans. We watched The Polar Express, wrote a note to Santa, put out cookies and milk, hung our stockings and were off to bed.
Christmas Day - Started early - 7am! Opened presents and played!! Then the Foote family (Nick, Amy, Nathan and Kennedy) all came over. We snacked and then had dinner of steaks, potatoes, corn, bread, salad, etc. We played games and just had a fun time together. Cindy tried to keep Kennedy (she's so cute) but Amy insisted on taking her home!
He Said / She Said
10 years ago