Saturday, March 15, 2008

Visiting the Easter Bunny

We took Gabriel to visit the Easter Bunny. He just loved him! Went right on up and high-fived him, waved and gave him lots of hugs. I think it's because he knows that the Easter Bunny will bring him chocolate! LOL

Maple Sugar Fest

Gabe, Roy and I went to the Red Oaks Nature Center for Maple Sugar Fest. We learned all about how maple trees are tapped for sap. We even got to help tap a tree and collect the sap. We tasted it right from the tree - tastes like water! Then we learned how it gets cooked til it's yummy syrup - or syri-up as Gabe calls it. I took a couple of pics.

Misc. Pics of Gabe

Here's a bunch of misc. pictures of Gabriel from February:

* Watching for the lunar eclipse (beautiful pic of moon by my friend Fran)
* Reading on the couch
* Playing in the snow
* Ice skating on Lake Gloria (that's a big patch of ice in our backyard)
* Playing moon sand and play-doh
* Playing t-ball with Coach Mike
* Going to Chuck E. Cheese
* Dressed up as Mr. Incredible
* Practicing ball in the basement


Gabes New Bear - Christian

Gabriel made a new friend at Build-a-Bear - Christian (the shamrock bear). He just loves him. We even bought Christian a pair of silky shamrock bear boxers (so cute). Gabriel still adores his first Build-a-Bear, Cocoa. But now Cocoa and Christian are friends.

Check out the other pics of Gabriel and his bears.

The Smith's Visit IL

We were so lucky to have my favorite sister Michelle and her kids, Kaitlyn, Colin and Kyle come for a visit during their mid-winter break. While it was a long drive for Michelle, I think that everyone had a great time. I was so happy to finally have her see our new home and show off the great place we live! We went to the Shedd Aquarium, the Field Museum, downtown Chicago (Millennium Park, Ed Debevics, Hershey Store, and Lego Store). We all had a great time. Enjoy the pictures.